A man with many, many plans. Really too many. Phil’s research focuses on cell-type specificity of response to DNA damage. This turns out to be a pretty broad focus. Check out his movie.
SOG1 induces a lot of genes, and many of them are transcription factors. Michelle plans to determine which subroutines are governed by which transcription factors.
Victor’s our newest postdoc, so he’s still thinking about possible projects. He’s a computational biologist and all round nice guy who’s helping out on all of our projects.
Will’s working on the BREAD (Basic Research Enabling Ag Development) project- with our collaborators in Kenya and Colombia, he’s seeing if the Ravi/Chan haploidizing technology can work in cassava and banana.
Anne loves pretty much any aspect of genetics, and is a long-time mutagenesis and ionizing radiation enthusiast. When she’s not in the lab she’s with her family (Dave, Katie, and Laura) or playing banjo.